Big Fish with Dinosaur Bones
Well, I know I posted the pictures of vacation, but I haven't written too much about some of the things that happened on vacation. First of all, the title of this post comes from what Ethan called me one day. He kept looking at my hair which I had in two braids and he said, "dinosaur bones." It took us awhile to figure out what he was saying, then he said, "big fish with dinosaur bones." We thought it was a really funny thing for him to say.
Also, Ethan and Austin added to the weird things that they like to do together. We ate at a Mexican restaurant and for some reason, they each started taking one chip at a time and shaking them at each other, saying "mmm... good chip." They are also always making strange noises and faces at each other and Austin taught Ethan to "sing" the song from
Also, Ethan loved the beach. The day we got there we went down to the beach and he immediately loved all of the sand and just started jumping in the water. He would laugh really loud even when the waves nearly knocked him down. We have the cutest video of it.
Also, a typical Campbell-style vacation mishap took place the day before my dad was flying back to Atlanta; my mom's car broke down on the way back from playing mini-golf. Actually it made it back to the house, but barely. Jake had to drive with the brights on and the radio and air off. Apparently when they noticed something was wrong Ethan started saying "what, Daddy? What?" until he fell asleep. Luckily it happened on a Thursday night and AAA recommended a repair place that replaced the alternator on Friday. Anyway, it added to our great vacation video to see the car being towed away and Ethan waving saying, "bye-bye car."
Also, I think it was Friday night that these flies, which I'm sure were the spawn of Satan, started attacking us. They kept landing on all of us, but I think only my mom and I really were bitten. I didn't really notice until late Saturday night that I had three really itchy swollen bites on me. Two on my ankle and one on my index finger right below the bottom of my fingernail. Anyway they sting and itch like crazy!!!! Here's a picture of one of the little devils...

And here is the bite on my finger after a whole week (I don't have a telephoto lens, so I don't know how well you can see it).
Getting better...
Okay, I'm feeling much better now. I was in a funk yesterday and most of today, but I'm okay now. Austin and I watched some TV and took a nap which really cheered me up. I think I was just a little stressed about some stuff, but I think it has melted away. Post-vacation blues are gone.
Today is just one of those days.
And that's all I have to say right now.
Fall will be here before we know it...
Here is the UGA football schedule. I'm getting excited!
We went and saw
Anchorman this weekend, which we thought was hilarious. Like any other comedy like that it was kind of dumb, but really funny. We also watched some netflix movies.
Changing Lanes was okay - kind of an irritating movie, but entertaining. You just want to hit Ben Affleck and Samuel Jackson over the head and say "don't do that! You aren't making the right decisions at all!!"
House of Sand and Fog was really good. It was like Shakespearian tradgedy. Oh, and we saw
Spiderman 2 last weekend which was really fun!
Chris' Website
Lillian Christian "Chris" Bolton's website is up. In case you don't remember who she is, here's a picture from when she appeared on my website...
It has been a year now
I started Fried Okra on July 3rd of last year. Since then there have been 97,487 successful requests for pages on my website. On average about there are about 286 requests per day. Thanks to my photos of Ashley's wedding, the busiest month so far was April of this year and the busiest week was the week of April 4th. Most people look at my site on Wednesday. In the last month people found my site by searching for these phrases:
10: courtney thorne smith migraine
2: buffalo with wings
2: how to make fried okra
1: annoying moviegoers
1: fired okra recipe
1: pictures of okra trees
1: coton de tulear jessica simpson
1: buffalo with wings picture
And this picture seems to be the most downloaded and linked photo from my webpage so far:
Word of the day: milquetoast
We ran across this word in the TiVo description of a Don Knotts movie called
The Shakiest Gun in the West. We had to look it up in the dictionary and thought the definition, word origin and synonyms were really funny.
One who has a meek, timid, unassertive nature.
[After Caspar Milquetoast, a comic-strip character created by Harold Tucker Webster (1885-1952).]
milquetoasty adj.
Word History: An indication of the effect on the English language of popular culture is the adoption of names from the comic strips as English words. Casper Milquetoast, created by Harold Webster in 1924, was a timid and retiring man named for a timid food. The first instance of milquetoast as a common noun is found in the mid-1930s. Milquetoast thus joins the ranks of other such words, including sad sack, from a blundering army private invented by George Baker in 1942, and Wimpy, from J. Wellington Wimpy in the Popeye comic strip, which became a trade name for a hamburger. If we look to a related form of popular culture, the animated cartoon, we must of course acknowledge Mickey Mouse, which has become a slang term for something that is easy, insignificant, small-time, worthless, or petty.
n : a timid man or boy considered childish or unassertive [syn: sissy, pantywaist, pansy, milksop, Milquetoast]